van Ravenstein
08/03/1972 - 09/06/2009
Artist, researcher,
plurinstrumentist, composer, dancer, choreographer.
Instruments: tympanum,
cymbalum, crotala,crepundia, tintinnabula, sambuca, cithara, percussions
and prehistoric wind instruments, bucina, obliqum flute, voice,
recitation: with movement-dance.
Languages: Spanish, Dutch, Italian, English, 1/2 German.
She realizes comparative and interdisciplinary
studies centered on the role of the feminine in the Art, in the
prehistory and in the antiquity, among which the employment of the
musical instruments of the female cults and those employed also
in the dance; tympanum, cymbalum and castanets, their different
typologies and functions, diffusion and use, also contemporary,
researches woven with an experimentation and practical application.
Of Basque-Dutch origin (1972)
she has lived up to the 15 years in Madrid, where she is dedicated
with passion to the drawing, the singing, the dance and the theatre,
that accompany for so to say, tightly the studies.
1987 She move to Holland where she has studied
Fashion-design and Art-illustration.
1995 Enter to belong to the group of experimental
archaeology of Walter Maioli, teacher-initiator of the prehistory
and of the sound, and Luce Maioli, working in the archaeological
park Archeon as musician-actress, participating in the realization
of the CD "200.000 Jaar Muziek", to the laboratories for
children and the concerts, daily putting into practice the researches
on the instruments, the sounds, the voice, the music, the movements
and the dance in the prehistory and in the ancient Rome, among which
the comparative study and the analysis of the iconographic sources.
Together with Walter Maioli and Luce Maioli has set up the project
1996 records the CD SYNAULIA "Music of ancient
Rome" volume 1, devoted to the wind and percussion instruments
and develops an intense activity of researches and hundreds of international
Participates in the film "Meandre Magic" of the French
Tv at Arcy sure Cure.
She's fairy-musician and dancer with own choreographies in the Film
"A Midnight Summers Dream" by Michael Hoffman, with Michelle
Pfeiffer and Kevin Kline. Like this, she works in the television
series "Empire", "Rome" and numerous scientific
documentaries as "Carvillius, the mummy of Rome".
Participates in the recording of the CD of Sainkho "Naked Spirit".
Realizes researches in Spain on the prehistoric and ancient Iberian
instruments and dances.
1999 – 2006 Works with the great actor Giorgio
Albertazzi in the performances "Eros I want to sing",
"Around Dante" and in "Mami, Pappi and Sirens in
Great Greece”, shooted at the Theatre in Pompeii for "History
of the Italian Theatre" of Albertazzi and Fo transmitted by
RAI 2, composing for this occasion a musical passage with Luisa
Corna and Giorgio.
Two compositions of hers, Pavor and Etruria, composed together with
Walter Maioli, they have been chosen for the film "The
Gladiator" of Ridley Scott.
It is between the founders and conductors of The Soundcenter, Il
Centro del Suono.
This page is dedicated to Nathalie
everyone of your can write something, a memory, a poem, even a
simple thought,
please send an email to: soundcenter@soundcenter.it

When you live you shine,
do not obscure everything,
life is brief
the time consumes
Nathalie in the sky!
Dulcis amica vale
A seed in the universe
A seed from which everything in the universe is born
Courage gives me a seed to confront that which I have always escape from
A seed in order to believe that man is not wrong
A seed to remember the importance of the past
A seed because you can live again in creation
A seed to give respect to this land that created us
A seed because the human being knows from where it came and what it is
destined to do.
A seed that leaves us connected to ourselves and to the universe
This seed is you.
I know a sad fairy
that lives in an ocean
and always in a sweet way
lets her heart sing through a magic flute
that dies with a kiss each night
And is reborn with a kiss at every dawn...
(Forugh Farrokhzad)
dedicated to nathalie
To know Nathalie is to feel oneself in
the presence of a higher Being.
There are words to describe the qualities she exudes: generosity, selflessness,
compassion, passion, humility, simplicity, love, courage, grace, femininity,
endurance, and spiritual guidance but they do not suffice. This is a
person who felt more than most, who felt for the sake of others, a
person who gave you her very shoes if you happened to mention you liked them. This
for her was normal. She could be penniless, possession-less and without
any clothing and she would still be happy, thanking the Earth for giving her
life and the ability to help others. She is a person complete in
the fullest sense. She is full. She exists in a full state beyond
material objects, beyond judgment, beyond religion and beyond the routine current
that guides the day.
I believe she achieved a state of eternity long ago and made it her quest not
to free herself but to free others. To make everyone feel at home in every
moment. Eman Shokry who arrived at the Foundation just a week ago
said Nathalie “embarrassed me with her kindness.” Embarrassed
me with her kindness. These are the words of someone who knew Nathalie
for just one week and who wept at the loss of ‘a bird.’
If you sat in Nathalie’s company, you’d be opened up to learn things
that institution or religion can never teach, feelings she had were what most
people die with having never known or felt.
I could have written this long ago as these words aren’t gained by death
but by life. This is someone who lived in search of god within everybody. One
of my favorite phrases from the Sufi poet, Rumi is “Listen to everybody
as if his words were the last words of a dying father to his son.” If we
all lived this way, with such compassion in daily life, we would inhabit Nathalie’s
world. Can we try for her, altogether, to listen to one another,
with patient open ears, allowing our neighbor to teach us something everyday?
She chose eternal happiness, preferring to be everybody’s rock and never
asking for one in return to lean upon. When she was suffering, she chose
to smile and ask about you then to burden you with the dark feelings
that were haunting her. Often times, I abused this. I knew Nathalie
would always be there with her crystalline blue eyes and infinite smile to give
me strength to move on with the day. Perhaps I too just took and did not
give enough.
It is my request of all of you to choose just one quality that you learned from
Nathalie and emulate it.
Lets look into each other’s eyes more deeply.
Lets look into each other’s hearts more often, and try to understand.
Lets laugh and love life.
Lets sing and dance more often.
Lets continue to cultivate ourselves and in doing so cultivate others.
Certainly for those closest to her, this is hard-impossible maybe- to do at first. But
we must think that in death, nothing changes. We don’t have to understand
her death, getting hung up on facts. We must meditate on her life. The
absence of Nathalie is the same as the presence of Nathalie- because she existed
as an essence long before she existed as a physical body. She now continues
to live as an inspiration in death as she was in life.
A bird that could never be caught, studied, and understood continues to fly.
For Nathalie
who loved our city and its people
goodbye angel, you are close to God
My city in flowers
Between the sea and flowers, you are born,
land of my heart
that will always keep inside of you, your marvelous beauty,
kissed by the beautiful sun
at your feet the mountain, reflected in the sea
is a splendor.
This mountain divides in two
a sit would this heart of mine.
Up there the mountain teeming forth with springs and love
leaving to the land their freshness.
A woman has cupped her hands
with this gesture, a formo of prayer,
takes a drink of water
placing it to her mouth
to reinfresh the soul and heart.
A farmer clears the land,
he has in his face signs of the sun,
while he feels in the air a smell:
it is bread cooking in great heat,
this perfume takes over all the streets,
it brings a great harmony to your heart.
Blackened faces from the sun,
make you understand how much value;
if you see the hands of these people,
consumd by the sun and by the land,
you will remain delighted.
These people are good like the bread,
when you have tasted,
you will not forget it tomorrow.
You true sincere friend
Biondi Luigi